

This is the mono-channel version of Attese/Dinamiche/Genesi, a 4 channel video installation. It’s divided in 3 chapters.

Click HERE to see the video

The first one, Attese (Waiting) explore the sense of the natural elements: water, ground, fire and air, where static human figures contrast with the slow alteration of the background and the intensification of the sound. The second chapter, Dinamiche (Dynamics) shows the intimate relation of the unconscious dynamics in the human being, while the last chapter, Genesi (that was also aprt of a videoinstallation that you can see HERE) talks about the life breathe and the transformation of the human being into the fire. Every channel is projected simultaneously on a different panel, just to create an impressive video and audio composition.
2008 Primo premio Videoarte festival Ba.Co.

Direction: Luca Serasini
Actors: Erica Garbella, Martina Marinelli, Carlo Musto, Anna Ramazzotti
talk: Walid Mokni
Director assistence: Antonella Bindi e Serena Benefico
Shooting adn technical assistance: Antonio Tosi e Davide Abate
Video editing: Lorenzo Russo, Luca Serasini, Laura Boscaglia
Postprocessing effects: Lorenzo Russo
Editing audio: Sergio Brunetti
Soundtrack: Massimo Magrini
archive research and backstage:R enata Otfinowska
Production: Corte Tripoli Cinematografica
duration: 7’ 32”





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