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Luca Serasini – Bio

Luca was born in Pisa (Italy) in 1971 and began his activity with oil painting in 1996 and since 2003 he has been exploring various other techniques, from photography to video and video installations up to land art, and thanks to his studies in electronics, to create interactive devices that allow an active involvement of visitors in his installations, both indoor and outdoor. In 2023 he began working with stone, copper and wood.

A great lover of mythology and astronomy, Luca apply these passions in interactive land art installations for the Progetto Costellazioni (Constellations Project, 2013), which starts from the question of whether we still really need the stars today, a world made up of legends now far removed from our daily lives.

Surreal, on the other hand, is the cycle of le nuvole, le sedie (Clouds and Chairs), mainly graphic works of literary (Aristophanes, Bulgakov) and theatrical (Ionesco) inspiration.

The latest cycle he have begun to work on is the sculptures for theMarconisti (2023), a project that aims to highlight the spirit of research that guided Marconi’s discoveries by creating immersive experiences on the theme of radio and telecommunications and, through the symbolism of the staircase and stone, a spiritual vision linked to some themes dear to monotheistic religions.

In all three cycles/projects there is, as the lowest common denominator, an upward vision, towards the immense that is above and beyond the human being, but which helps to complete it, giving it meaning.

  • Artist education
  • Exhibition (selection)
  • Permanent installations
  • Land art
  • Indoor
  • Video
  • Video installations
  • Lectures Workshop

1985-1990 – Technical High School in Telecommunications
2010-2011 Graphics for publishing at IED – Florence

The Marconisti/il Sogno – interactions, installations and soundscape – with Marco Ricci del Mastro and Francesca Cavallini – Centro Espositivo Comunale, Cecina (IT) >

Khàos/Order/Dispose, installazioni, interazioni e alabastri – exhib – Luca Serasini and Alessandro Marzetti – Palazzo dei Priori, Volterra (IT) >
Window Project winner: 2012-2018 – Group show – Gazelli Art House, London (UK)

Ma se il vicolo fosse cieco? – solo exhib. Accademia Libera Natura e Cultura. Querceto (IT)
Dietrofront – group exhib – Volterra (IT) >

2012 La dinamica dietro l’idea – solo exhib – Spazio Espositivo Sopra le Logge. Pisa – (IT)

2011 Contaminazioni, group exhib – Centro futuramente, Pontedera (IT)

Around me, il gesto, l’occhio, la parola – group exhib, Montegemoli (IT)
Seven rooms in Pietrasanta – group exhib, Irenakos art gallery, Pietrasanta (IT)

since 2018 – Le storie di S. Nicola – M A C C A – Museo D’Arte Contemporanea a Cielo Aperto, Peccioli (IT) >
since 2017 – Alfatauri – Lajatico (IT) >

2023 – URSA MAJOR (minor Est!) – Lungau (Austria) >
2022 – Frange d’Interferenza, in ascolto del cosmo – Cecina (IT) >
2019 – Les etoiles binaires – Ifitry/Essaouira (Morocco) >
2017 – Come Iadi tra le Pleiadi – Civitella d’Agnano (IT) >
2016 – Pegaso, 10 storie per 10 stelle – Montegemoli (IT) >
2016 – Alcor & Mizar – (Holmfirth – UK) >
2015 – Orione, il grande cacciatore – Crespina (IT) >
2013 – Costellazione toro – Montegemoli (IT) >
2011 – Tori terrestri – Montegemoli (IT) >

2017 – Große Wagen – Weimar (Germany) >
2009 – Waiting for your own kite… – Montegemoli (IT)

2018 – Septarishi/Dispose (IT) >

2016 – Alcor & Mizar (indoor) – Weimar (Germany) >
2016 – The chaos of cosmos – London (UK) >
2007 – Genesi – Montegemoli (IT)

2022 – Ego-VIRGO prologo 2 – sweeps (5’14”) >
2020 – Ego-VIRGO prologo (1′) >
2021 – La Banda (7 episodes, about 70′) >
2016 – Pegaso, 10 storie per 10 stelle (6’53”) >
2015 – Orione, il grande cacciatore (11’21”) >
2013 – Costellazione toro (4’45”) >
2013 – Ponce & cigarettes (22’43”) >
2012 – Tori e aquiloni, evoluzioni, trasformazione (1’55”) >
2007 – il passaggio
2007 – Oh mio Prometeo (18’13”) >
2007 – i 7 dormienti (19’39”) >
2007 – Attese/Dinamiche/Genesi (7’31”) >
2006 – Le baiser/il bacio (4’52”) >

2023 – Frange d’interferenza (Ego-VIRGO) – multichannel – Cascina (IT)
2020 – in Lucem, le parole/ i suoni/i corpi/l’idea – interactive – Volterra (IT) >
2014 – Scuola e resistenza a Ortonovo (IT) >
2013 – Crisi/Krisis – Marina di Pisa – interactive (IT) >
2013 – Pisa guarda Pisa (IT)
2012 – Con le tue mani, tra foce e pineta – interactive (IT) >
2009 – See U on Mars – interactive (IT) >
2007 – For your eyes only (IT) >
2007 – Libeccio – multichannel (IT) >
2005 – Esodo/ Naufragio – multichannel (IT)
2004 – Balle di mare – multichannel (IT)


  • “Le mie interazioni – INSTALLAZIONI, ELETTRONICA ED ALTRE STORIE” – 11 November 2021. Accademia Alma Artis – Accademia di Belle Arti Pisa – Nuove Tecnologie dell’Arte, Pisa (LECTURE)
  • Per Aspera ad Astra (through hardships to the stars)” – UNMASKED DIGIFEST08 AND ANNUAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2021 8th Edition of DUT’s Faculty of Arts and Design Digital Festival – 19-21 October – SouthAfrica (ONLINE LECTURE)
  • “Art-Science collaborations / EPO telecom” – LIGO/VIRGO Collaboration, 26th July 2021 – (ONLINE LECTURE)

“La videoarte e le videoinstallazioni” for FEDIC (Federazione Italiana dei Cineclub – Italian Federation of Short Movies Clubs)

  • 2024 – 20° Stage nazionale FEDIC di formazione e approfondimento- “Pillole di cinema” – 29 agosto – 2 settembre, Calci (PI)
  • 2018 – 16° Stage nazionale FEDIC – “Anche questo è fare Cinema” – 13-17 settembre, Calci (PI)
  • 2014  “Festa del Cinema Corto” – 28-30 giugno, Ortonovo e Villafranca Lunigiana

Scrivere un’immagine: grafica e infografica per un flusso comprensibile dell’informazione ” – Corso di didattica interna per allievi PhD di Medicina Traslazionale – Sant’Anna, Scuola Universitaria Superiore Pisa – Istituto di Scienze della Vita (LECTURE)

Scheduled in 2024.
18/04/2019 and 5/6/2018

Promozione della didattica dell’arte contemporanea all’interno delle scuole: un’arte reale che nasce in un contatto diretto con gli artisti, 45 classi, 1000 bambini e 22 artisti
(Promotion of contemporary art teaching in schools: real art that is born in direct contact with artists, 45 classes, 1000 children and 22 artists)

2008, 2009 and 2013