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    Interactive Land Art Installation & Interactive Light Box
    Voices by Gianni Calastri, Alessandro Zangirolami, Chiara Benvenuti and Eleonora Raspi

    Non-fabric tissue, wood, plastic, old telephones, LEDs, interactive device
    about 50 x 11 mt.

    “Accenni di Contemporaneo XIV Edition” Festival – Civitella d’Agliano (VT)

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    This double interactive installation (land art + light box) wants to give voice to an old story where Hyades/Aldebaran stars group wants to marry the Pleiades stars, but they refused the proposal because have thought that Hyades was poor…

    “At first I called with the sweetest words:
    you’re dew which falls from branches of cinnamon!
    gentle doves flying away
    But just like doves you flew away,”

    By the bridge that bring to the village, on the opposite hill, it’s possible to look at the central part of the Bull constellation and the Pleiades installation, with the lines that link the stars as the man is used to build the constellations, with the stars lit at night as they are in the reality.
    If the handset of the telephone is lifted, Hyades/Aldebaran tells his story…
    Later, before entering at the village, inside a dark room there is a light box made with cut-out paper and LEDs that represents the complete Bull constellation.
    If the handset of this telephone is lifted, Pleiades tells their version of the story…

    “…Not poverty or wealth moves us
    far or near by Al Debaran, now Iadi.
    We just wanted to dance …”