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Progetto costellazioni

Land art, interactive and light installations
Since 2013

In 2013 Luca Serasini started this land art installations project (that sometimes, when are equipped with interactive devices, became interactive land art installations) dedicated to the constellations and to the mysterious forces that rule the Cosmos.
All humans, in different places, with different tongues, in difference countries looks at the sky, at Sun, Moon, planets and stars.
But, do we need stars nowadays? With what do we orient ourself?
Re-making constellations as land art installations represents a way to bring people closer to topic of the sky, of local lore and legends that, unfortunately, are increasingly forgotten.
It’s a way to re-consider the sky as part of us, of our feeling, of our history.

12th Anniversary of Progetto Costellazioni

Exhibition in studio, March 1st – 16

With this exhibition begin the celebration of 12 years of activities of this project, born in 2013. For the first part of this show (the second part will take place in June) Luca exhibits the sketches and works concerning some of the oldest and most invisible phenomena of the Universe.
Under the patronage of the National Institute of Astrophysics and the Italian Amateur Astronomers Union

chapter #14 – 2023

Interactive land art installation, May 26 – June 4, 2023 – Supergau Festival, Lungau, Austria

The main objective of this installation, as all others Luca made for this project, it is to immerse visitors in an “another dimension,” a spiritual, ancient world made of fantasy. The stars, lit at night, contribute to have this kind of feeling. The title is a joke of the latin motto “Ubi maior minor est” that in english sounds like “Where the greater is, there is the lesser.”

chapter #13 part #1 – 2020-2022

Interactive land art – October 8-22, 2022 – EGO/VIRGO (European Gravitational Waves Observatory), Cascina (PI)with Massimo Magrini

For EGO-VIRGO, visual artist Luca Serasini and sound designer Massimo Magrini have come up with a interactive land art installation intervention, called Frange di Interferenza. With this work, the artists establish a dialogue with nature, understood both as the place chosen to host his work, and as gravitational waves – the object of the research itself – symbolically represented by the artist in a visual way and by Massimo Magrini on a sound level.

chapter #13 part #2 – 2022

Exhibition, September 24-30, 2022, Arte in Centro, Cascina (PI) – with Massimo Magrini

The exhibition The Geometry of Time is the story of a journey, a study and an analysis. It stages the construction of an artistic intervention inspired by the sounds of the Universe and in particular by the scientific research work of EGO – European Gravitational Observatory of Cascina, the international center that hosts the Virgo gravitational wave detector. Papers artworks made with mixed techniques and two installations welcome the viewer into a world made up of scientific surveys, reflections and artistic reassembly of the reality that surrounds us..

INTORNO ALLE ORIGINI (Sternen segnale ON) 

Indoor installation – September 8-9, Iliad conference, Bologna – with Marco Ricci del Mastro

“Intorno alle origini” is a collective artistic work developed on the concept of constellation. The ephemeral order of shining points conjunction expresses a quantum of energy greater than the sum of its parts: it is like the extraction of a sense from the set of fragments, frees the creative force of aesthetic forms.


Exhib in studio, May 27-29, 2022

The exhibition, which inaugurates my new studio, summarizes the latest evolutions of Progetto Costellazioni, a project that started as the construction of some constellations as land art installations and that is now heading towards the “romantic” study on the origin of the Universe among populations of stars, binary stars, black holes and gravitational waves …

PER ASPERA AD ASTRA – pandemic web project

Exhib in studio, May 27-29, 2022

Like pieces of a puzzle, images fill the screen and create new pastiches, featuring Serasini’s distinctive freedom of creating and playing with his works. How did we arrive to such disintegration? How could we re-construct ourselves once we became aware of the impossibility of coming back to before?

chapter #12 – 2019

Land art, May 3-11, 2019 – Ifitry artist’s residence – Morocco

Because the stars, when they born, are almost always in pairs…
That’s the idea I developed during the Ifitry artist residence in Morocco, in May 2019. I saw the infinite sea, the light sand of the enormous beach, the constant wind.. and I dreamed… This is my first pure land art, my first evanescent installation, my first performance…

chapter #11 – 2019

Permanent light installation, MACCA Museum, Peccioli (PI)

“The stories of Saint Nicholas” is a new chapter of this project and is inspired by the painting of Saint Nicholas that is located inside the Church of San Verano in Peccioli mede of three different parts…


Group show, August 3rd – September 1st, 2018 – Gazelli Art House, London

Luca Serasini was the Winter 2017 Window Project winner with his work, The Káos of Cosmos, where he brought the viewer back to the first moments of the inception of the Universe. Since then, his practice has been concerned with, on one side, the development of the Universe after the Big Bang and, on the other side, the use of new materials and the light. In this exhibition, Serasini will be exhibiting works on paper that aim to describe the creation of the universe and light as a guiding source of energy.

chapter #10 – 2018

Duo exhib, December 15th – January 20th, Volterra (PI)

Two artists for different languages and materials used (wood and paper for Serasini, alabaster for Marzetti) interpenetrate in a journey that, starting from the Big Bang, takes the visitor to reflect, as well as on the development of the universe, even on human condition. Between art and craft, the alabaster sculptures of Marzetti evoke arcane and primordial symbols, essential signs present in each culture whether it be Western or Eastern. 

chapter #9 – 2018

Videoprojections on geothermal cooling towers, June 30th, 2018 (one full year), Larderello (PI)

In Serasini’s view: “The big cooling towers are a lasting but invasive sign of Larderello’s landscape. It is industrial archeology of incredible beauty. Symbolically speaking, they connect the profundity of Earth with its surface, although in a much gentler way than volcanoes do. It is still about energy, perhaps the same energy that fills the stars.”

chapter #8 – 2018

Web residence @AWB (Astronomers Without Borders), February – May 2018

A “journey through little stars” was a web residence for Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) community, supported also by StarTalk community, created to engage different kind of people (amateurs, photographers) and from different countries, to develop an contemporary art project based on stars and constellations, because “Nothing is more globalised of heaven, as now is the Internet, which as the sky envelops us all”.

chapter #7 – 2017

Light installation, December 20th – January 13th, 2017-2018 – Gazelli Art House, London

For his site-specific light installation on the gallery’s façade, Serasini presents the latest chapter to his on-going series of work, Progetto Costellazioni, dedicated to stars and constellations. The Kháos of Cosmos presents the Universe from another cosmological phase, representing a “particular waiting moment, full of power, of sentiment, but also a moment of potential energy, ready to explode”, Serasini comments. Disk-shaped stars are symbolically placed on the surface of the window, connected by lines to compose the primordial egg anticipating the creation of the Universe. The installation invites the viewer to not only see again what has been forgotten, but to reflect on such forgetfulness.

chapter #6 – 2017
GROßE WAGEN and ALCOR & MIZAR (indoor)  

Site-specific installation, June 14-21th, 2017 JUL Center – Weimar

For “What’s play”, the subject of the symposium, Luca made, together with Gernot Ehrsam the land-art-game Große Wagen
(The big Dipper) where children can walk on the stars and the lines that links them, and to learn the stars names and their meaning in german. Because that’s for me to play: one of better way to learn, having fun…

chapter #5 – 2017

Interactive land art installation – July 7-9, 2017. Accenni di Contemporaneo Festival – Civitella d’Agnano (VT)

This double interactive installation (land art + light box) wants to give voice to an old story where Hyades/Aldebaran stars group wants to marry the Pleiades stars, but they refused the proposal because have thought that Hyades was poor…

chapter #4- 2016

Site specific installation, July 15 – August 15 – M’ arte personale 2016, Larderello (PI)

In Tuscany, close to Volterra, the Larderello area is one of the most important places for the presence of geothermal power. Active since 1913, today the plants are the pulsing heart of the geothermal system and together with those on Amiata mountain produce about the 27% of the total electrical needs of Tuscany.
Serasini have imagined to use some of the big cooling towers as canvas to draw all of the constellations he made since 2013 to build a dialogue between them.

chapter #4 – 2016

Interactive land art installation, July 15 – August 15, 2016 – M’Arte personale 2016 – Montegemoli (PI)

Luca has chosen this almost forgotten constellation with the objective to increase the level of interaction between the artwork and the visitors, but always in the field of land art.
“That’s why I’ve chosen Pegasus, the flying horse, symbol of poetical and spiritual inspiration. As almost all constellations, the name of the stars match with the body position inside the constellation, as Markab means the saddle, Enif the nose, Algenib the flank/ wing or they have poetical names as Matar, the lucky rain of shooting stars or Sirrah, the navel of the mare (but now part of Andromeda constellation)” Luca says.

chapter #3 – 2016

Interactive land art installation, June 17-26 – Art in the woods festival – Holmfirth, UK

These 2 stars of the Big Dipper (sometimes called “horse and rider”) form a naked eye double star that was both very important in ancient history. The ability to perceive the separation of these two stars, was considered a measure of good vision and was, in fact, an important “sight test” necessary to be a member of the Imperial Guard of the Arabic Emperor.

chapter #2 – 2015

Land art installation, October 17-November 1st, 2015 – MateriaPrima artist residence – Crespina (PI)

This was Luca’s first constellation installation “walkable” made for an immersive experience by bringing visitors to “walk” along lines ranging from a “star” to another and appreciate, imagine and dream about the transposition on the terrain of this little piece of sky.

chapter #1 – 2013

Lland art installation, June 15-July 14, 2013 – IV M’arte Biennale – Montegemoli (PI)

This was the first experience with land art for Luca Serasini. The Bull constellation and its brightest star, Aldebaran with the Pleiades, seem to be the oldest constellation observed by humans since the Paleolithic period and known by many peoples of the world, by Maori, Aboriginal, Chinese, Maya and Aztecs. For the Greeks were nymphs turned into doves to escape Orion’s hunting, also turned in a constellation. Aldebaran, from Arabic al-dbaran, the following, is so named because it follows the Pleiades, also called the bull’s eye.