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previous works & projects

Here are listed almost all my productions from 2000 to 2014 collected by main tecnique.

2014-2018 Migrantes & Social issues

Mixed media
This project, now closed, concern the feeling for the social issues. The theme of migration, shipwrecks and in general the condition of the most fragile has always resonated with me in a particular way. 

2009-2020 Bulls, Kites, Minotaurus and the Modern Man

Mixed media
This project, now closed, will be added soon. Sorry!

2010-2011 my ERG

Mixed media photos
This photoworks collection was made during my first journey in Tunis in 2010.
A really wonderful experience, my first one in the desert…

2003-2013 M3M (Marina 3° Millennio)

Mixed media photos, video & videoinstallations
A collection of more of 40 works I started in 2005 about my home birth village story and impressions.

2006 Viaggio nel centro parigino

Mixed media photos
For a “personal” residence, I liked to try a personal way to photograph this wonderful city, one of the most photographed in the world. These collages and painted photos are the result…

2006-2015 U.O.M.O

Mixed media photos
This a photo-composition collection that uses the buildings facade as floor for imaginary people painted on the photos, to make new silence spaces for the soul.